Products Liability
Products Liability
Carbon Monoxide Death - House Heater
Abigail represented a Defendant homeowners in a situation where the residence was sold, closing completed, and the new homeowners experienced carbon monoxide poisoning and a death several days later. Disputes existed in the case regarding the design and installation of the heater and venting system.
McDonough County – Summary Judgment – Product Warranty
John Fleming defended a case that involved alleged defects to farm vehicles, where John represented the manufacturer. The trial court granted summary judgment in favor of John’s client, the manufacturer, based on the grounds that the claims were made too late and fell outside the warranty period. The summary judgment in favor of John’s client was affirmed on appeal.

Litigation Success
Fulton County – Jury Verdict – Claimed Injuries to Gambling Boat Dealer
John Fleming defended the vehicle driver in a moderate impact, two vehicle accident that occurred at an intersection controlled by stop signs. ...
read morePeoria County – Jury Verdict – Elevator Malfunction
John Fleming tried a case that involved three businessmen in an elevator at a local hospital, who claimed the elevator dropped or fell several...
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