John Fleming defended a case involving multiple police departments that were part of a joint task force for drug crime investigations and arrests. A “sting operation” was organized by one police officer, and numerous police employees, from various municipalities, participated in the entry into the apartment of the alleged crime perpetrator, and arrest of the alleged perpetrator. Ultimately, it turned out that the wrong apartment number was used and entered, no charges were filed against the perpetrator (even though drugs were found in the apartment). A settlement conference resulted in a small settlement, with contributions from several defendant police departments.
Litigation Successes
Livingston County – Settlement – False Arrest
Litigation Success
McLean County - Negligent Snow Plow Summary Judgment - Slip and Fall in Parking Lot
Abigail Fleming and Tom Norman represented a snow removal business, who provided services for a local business in Bloomington, Illinois. After the...
read moreTazewell County – Settlement – Multi-Party Complex Injury Claims
Abigail Fleming handled the defense of the lawsuit for multiple Plaintiffs seeking recovery for personal injuries resulting from a motor vehicle...
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