John Fleming defended a case that involved a compact car that struck the rear of a pickup truck, arguably with no damage to either vehicle. The injured plaintiff claimed neck, back, and arm pain, and missed 6 weeks of work which he voluntarily took off. The jury returned with a not guilty verdict in favor of John’s client, the defendant driving a compact car. After the trial, the jury members reported they did not feel there was a significant enough impact to cause any injury.
Litigation Successes
Knox County – Jury Verdict – Compact Car Hits Rear of Large Ford Pick-Up Truck

Litigation Success
Adams County – Summary Judgment – Carbon Monoxide/ Premises Liability
Abigail defended the landlord/owner of a house rented to an unmarried couple with two children. During the night, an alleged carbon monoxide...
read moreFulton County – Jury Verdict – Electrocution at Campground
John Fleming tried a case that involved an injured plaintiff who suffered a compression fracture in the spine, due to an electrocution at a trailer...
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