Abigail resolved a litigated case via high-low arbitration agreed to by all parties in order to gain a quicker and more inexpensive resolution. After initial discovery, it was beneficial to all parties to enter a high-low arbitration. The matter was decided by a single arbitrator, and the result came in favorable to the defense. The case involved multiple emergency room treatments with inflated billed charges for the complaints reported. There were numerous pre-existing conditions admitted by Plaintiff in her deposition, which also added to the disputed care. Ultimately, the arbitrator awarded only partial damages claimed by Plaintiff and a low value of pain and suffering. This was a successful result for the Defendant - and resolved the case in a quicker fashion than average in-court case.
Litigation Successes
High-Low Arbitration

Litigation Success
McDonough County – Summary Judgment – Product Warranty
John Fleming defended a case that involved alleged defects to farm vehicles, where John represented the manufacturer. The trial court granted...
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Abigail Fleming handled a personal injury action involving a vehicle – pedestrian collision in a parking lot outside the entrance to a grocery...
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